Henry Stone Music

Mango Hill Records presents Soul Buffet at Wynwood Yard featuring Henry Stone Music


Your soul is hungry. Your soul is thirsty. Your soul needs music. Your soul needs soul.

You need to go to Soul Buffet at Wynwood Yard this Saturday, May 20th, 2017 at Wynwood Yard, and unleash your emotions with Mango Hill Records, Henry Stone Music, Ketchy Shuby, The Scone Cash Players, and DJ Eddie Garcia rocking that Miami funk flavor.

There will be food, there will beĀ drinks, there will be million dollar memories, but there will be no cover, folks, that’s right, this jam is absolutely free.

So if rhythm and blues, bassline grooves, gut bucket grit, guitar riffs, and breaks that stick are your cup of funk, come on out and party, it’s gonna be a blast.

